
U.S. Green Building Council - USGBC

Sustainability in Manufacturing and Distribution 

Just Manufacturing’s commitment to an environmentally conscious production facility is an ongoing process of awareness and improvements.

Recycle Used Oil

90% Recycled Product Content

In-plant production, as well as inbound raw materials and packaging are factored into our GREEN planning recycling efforts.

Recycled Stainless

Recycling: Raw Materials

Our sink and plumbing fixture production process includes Type 304 and 316 stainless steel; 90% of the ingredients used for newly melted stainless steel coils delivered to Just Manufacturing are of recycled scrap. 

Recycle Cardboard

Recycling: Packaging and Collateral materials

Corrugation materials for finished products are of 40% recycled materials, which is the standard percentage for recycled paper products.

Recycled Stainless

Low Flow Aerators

  • 1.5 GPM water use reduction use 20% (1 point toward LEED certification)
  • 0.5 GPM water use reduction use 20% (up to 2 points toward LEED certification)